INTEL ATOM based devices are not supported). This FREE app is available to anyone with a compatible smartphone or tablet (Android devices with both forward- and backward-facing cameras using Android 4.1 and above, and ARMv7 NEON processors. Launch the app and point your device’s camera at the page to kick off the Augmented Reality action. Look for the AR icons on the pages of your book.

Get them all to unlock a special new Toy Story 4 character! Reviews Toy Story 4 Matt Zoller Seitz JTweet May contain spoilers Now streaming on: Powered by JustWatch 'I Can't Let You Throw Yourself Away,' sings Randy Newman, Pixar's bard, in a montage from 'Toy Story 4. Some pages have hidden AR elements to collect. Also includes many new Toy Story 4 characters to play with. Each one has a great new way to play - try them all! View the pages to see Buzz, Woody and many other Toy Story favourites spring to life in 3D.

You'll be able to play with Woody, try Buzz's buttons, fill Hamm with money, stack the Aliens, and lots more. This app will make your Toy Story: Woody's Augmented Reality Adventure book come to life! Download this Augmented Reality app, then use it to view the pages of the book. See Woody, Buzz and more come to life right on the pages of your book!