Tales of pirate wealth lure him to the port of Mêlée with high hopes, no money, and insatiable curiosity. The game’s twisty plot leads our naive hero on a hilarious, swash-buckling search for the fabled secret of Monkey Island. Purists will also delight in the ability to seamlessly switch between the updated hand-drawn re-imagining and the original classic version. The development team at LucasArts is bringing the game into the modern era with an all new re-imagined contemporary art style, a re-mastered musical score, full voiceover, and an in-depth hint system to help players through the game’s side-splitting puzzles. Relive the swashbuckling humorous misadventures of the wannabe pirate Guybrush Threepwood! Back by popular demand, The Secret of Monkey Island™: Special Edition faithfully re-imagines the internationally-acclaimed classic game (originally released in 1990) for original and new audiences alike. About The Secret of Monkey Island™: Special Edition